Posts Tagged ‘Heaven’


The Conductor

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Sunil’s adolescent fantasy of being a bus conductor was now fulfilled. Nubile women pressed against him in strategic spots, he smirked.

At Valanchery, a horde of schoolgirls boarded. Sunil could barely squeeze through to sell tickets. This was heaven.

At Vattappara, thirteen aunties got on. Commuters. Other passengers were in hell. Sunil attained paradise. Though paradise was slightly suffocating.

At Kakkad, the tension eased slightly, but before Sunil could exhale, twenty quavering old biddies surged into the bus. A handbag knocked against Sunil’s temple.

When the bus pulled into Ramanattukara bus stand, Sunil was no longer in this world. Literally.

From Guest Contributor Aparna Nandakumar

Aparna lives in Calicut, India, and writes stories and poems. Her work has been published in Atticus Review and previously at 100 Words, and is forthcoming in Cafe Dissensus and Red River Review.


Some Things Will Always Remain A Mystery

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

When Bob achieved omniscience in heaven, pretty much all the crazy shit that had never made sense now became clear. But as he sat on a cloud with Baby Jesus, there was still one mystery that confused him.

“You forgive everyone, right?”

“That’s right,” Baby Jesus said.

“Even those religious fundamentalists who preach intolerance?”

“Yes, even them.”

“I guess they’re lucky you’re a forgiving God.”

Baby Jesus giggled. “To tell you the truth, I don’t get why they worshiped me in the first place. Why not go in for one of the more vengeful religions that better suited their temperament?”


Lingering Resentments

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

I was presented with a choice: I could obey or I could go to hell.

It seems like a no-brainer, but to understand the nature of my dilemma, you’ll need some background. As a graduate student, I lived next to a nursery. The enclosure had been shoddily built and one day I awoke to a pack of feral babies surrounding my bed. It was only with tremendous bravery that I was able to make it out of that ordeal alive.

So you’ll commiserate when I say that taking orders from Baby Jesus made the prospect of heaven less than inviting.



by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Brian loved being an angel. Heaven was a playground without any teachers and Earth was Tombstone before Wyatt Earp came to town. In other words, anything goes.

There was just one rule to being an angel. Every angel learned, upon getting his wings, the one hard fast prohibition that could get you in hot water. Unfortunately, Brian had broken it three times this very first morning.

Now Brian was going to hell.

“You’d think God would have learned his lesson with the apple. If you don’t want people punching baby angels in the face, don’t make a rule prohibiting it.”


His Final Adventure

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Simon went to sleep in his bedroom on 523 Broadripple Avenue. He woke up in a remarkable city in the clouds. He found himself face to face with all manner of fantastic creatures, including flying horses, hippogriffs, storm giants, and singing seraphim.

Simon soon realized the city of clouds was not an idyllic Avalon. He wanted very much to return to his house on 523 Broadripple Avenue but everywhere he looked, it was one majestic waterfall after another. Most frustrating of all, none of the fantastic creatures would speak to him.

It took him several days to realize he was actually dead.


No Remorse

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Peter scanned the document, making note of the many black marks against the latest supplicant.

“Deceit. Petty Theft. Cursing. Coveting your neighbor’s wife. Murder. Excessive Pride. You managed quite a tally.”

The man laughed conspiratorially. “Yes, I was quite the sinner in my day.”

Peter took off his glasses and stared down at the man. “And it seems you show little remorse.”

“Well, I figure remorse is for the Europeans, or people from developing countries.”

“Yes, it’s true, God is an American. But when it comes to your final judgement, your nationality is only a small percentage of the evaluation.”


God’s Gonna Cut You Down, Version 2

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Michael– the commander of Heaven’s armies, the prince of holy light–was the most powerful of God’s angels. He was also charged with maintaining God’s lawn.

The lawn, fashioned by Satan in a controversial subcontracting arrangement, quickly became known as the infernal grasses. Michael hated that grass. It grew in all manner of wicked ways. It was nothing more than a hateful weed that choked all happiness and serenity out of Heaven. It smothered angels and tripped up the righteous souls of the newly dead.

Michael eventually gave up. “From now on, it will be God’s job to cut you down.”


It’s Only Divine Right

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

God stared at the tribunal with hate in his eyes. An old testament type of hate, the likes of which had not been seen in many years.

“You realize who I am, right?”

“Yes sir, but rules are rules. We must follow the procedures.” God scrutinized the angel Zadkeil and lamented ever abdicating total control of heaven.

Another angel, God did not bother to recall her name, began a roll call of his offenses, beginning with the usual complaints, like unanswered prayers and genocide.

“What do you have to say for yourself?”

“I plead the fifth, as is my right.”


Total And Complete Awesomeness

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

“This place is awesome!”

“Seriously. It’s the best place ever.”

“So much better than I imagined. Like your imagination is rendered completely inadequate by the fact there’s no way to even conceive total and complete awesomeness.”

“The omniscience is a nice touch. Really puts the whole thing over the top.”

“Only one thing bothers me.”

“What’s that?”

“Why did we have to be alive at all? Why not just start off in heaven and stay here the whole time? Because not being in heaven really sucks.”

“Yeah. If God really loved us, he would have skipped the whole living part.”