May, 2023 Archives


A Closed Time Curved Loop Time Traveler

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

As a closed time curved loop time traveler watched in horror at the death of mankind. He wondered. Was it always thus? A learning simulator bent on self-destruction? From one reality bounce to another, pray for peace. In the end, God wins all games. Why? In a Dyson Sphere or Solomon’s statement, there is nothing new under the sun. And that which the author of life has given, so he shall take. Multiple dimensions exist. And every twist and turn of the story of life is taken. What about the dreamers? Even their dreams come true somewhere within a simulator.

From Guest Contributor Clinton Siegle



by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

When Henrik asks me to hide his wife and son, I don’t hesitate.

Every day, I bring food and water to the sewer where I’ve hidden them. I feel it’s safer than hiding them in my house when the Nazis show no boundaries in searching homes.

Unfortunately, it’s not the accommodation I hoped for, but Henrik and his family are grateful. The resistance has brought more people into the hiding space and so they are no longer alone.

It saddens me, but I fight along with my comrades for a better life in our country.

And so, we all endure.

From Guest Contributor Lisa M. Scuderi-Burkimsher


Shadows Of The Forgotten Timepiece

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

He never uttered the word curse, but Dante had no doubt his life was marked for tragedy.

From his car accident at 16, to the string of outlandish catastrophes that followed him like ducklings throughout adulthood, including bouts of homelessness, addiction, and illness, both mental and physical in nature, Dante never caught a break, until finally he simply gave up all together.

Most of those who knew poor Dante blamed his lack of willpower. But they might have thought differently had they realized every misfortune occurred at exactly 3:13 PM. The same time he’d broken his grandfather’s lucky watch.


Curious Cath

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

She needed to know so badly, but was afraid to ask. Imagine he didn’t know either or – worse – had forgotten.

No, she wouldn’t bother the renowned academic (and her life partner) with it. It would only distract him from his life’s work: the analysis of 100-word stories.

For days on end he researched various pieces, decomposing the sentences and studying the words.

A few times he attempted himself, but he never got further than 96.

His admiration for the 100-word virtuosos was endless.

However, her curiosity got the upper hand.

“Honey, I’ve waited a long time to ask you, but…”

From Guest Contributor Hervé Suys

Hervé (°1968 – Ronse, Belgium) started writing short stories whilst recovering from a sports injury and he hasn’t stopped since. Generally he writes them hatless and barefooted.


Scarlett And Phineas: A Love Story

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Scarlett looks away. “I will pray for your soul, Phineas.”

Phineas smiles. “The trees pray for me every day when I walk past them. The vines, the grass, every creature around pray for our souls when we are dead.”

“I pray you will fall to the ground, decompose and be used as fertilizer, causing the land to flourish. And since you are an honorable and chivalrous man, you may even be the savior of the many creatures, some of which you love dearly.”

“Thank you, Scarlett. I can only pray for your death similarly. It’s the least I can do.”

From Guest Contributor J. Iner Souster


The Coming Wipe Out

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

The coming wipe out of this reality? End of reality? June the Federal Government shuts down to cause more pain to the United States’ people. July the wipe out of trillions of dollars of value as the electronic coin or Microsoft 2000060606 Cryptocurrency battery operated humans are turned on. Is it the end of humanity? Yes, I know humanity does not survive this aeron or era of mankind’s sixth age. In yet? If I am real, I saw humanity’s seventh age. Not so glorious, but the mirror image of this reality. Seriously? Read Wondering Mind through the Multiverse on Prose.

From Guest Contributor Clinton Siegle


The Last Leaf In Autumn

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Grayson watched the oak tree at all hours, day and night. Even when sleeping for short intervals, he’d installed a monitoring system to protect against intruders.

He’d become an unexpected celebrity in his town when it was officially determined the last autumn leaf clinging to a branch was in his yard. Local police immediately established a protective perimeter, followed by the FBI and military. Grayson wasn’t fully convinced of their trustworthiness however, hence his own added security .

After all, if there were no more leaves, than climate change was real, and he hated for his wife to be proven right.


Saturday Jog

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Jogging through the park, I keep the pace feeling energetic and free. The breeze against my cheeks feels refreshing and the chirping birds fill the air with song.

It’s crowded for a Saturday morning and parents are up early with their children. I pass two women pushing their young children on the swings as the boys soar high and chortle. Other joggers pass and smile contently.

I finish my lap and take a seat on the bench gulping water.

After breakfast and a shower, I will go about my regular weekend visiting my dad in the nursing home memory unit.

From Guest Contributor Lisa M. Scuderi-Burkimsher


Camaraderie Uninterrupted

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

I had a friend who rescued a dog. He told me it could speak. Russian. He knew that I was bilingual, so he asked me to do some translation.

I sat patiently, listening. Nothing. I’d almost given up waiting. Then I heard it. It was Russian, alright, with a Labradoodle accent.

Sadly though, it was total nonsense: “Spotted carats snipe phlegm kisses.”

I didn’t have the heart to tell my friend about his furrier friend’s crazed utterance. Instead, I said I couldn’t translate for him because I thought it might be Hungarian.

Someone else would have to burst his bubble.

From Guest Contributor Ron. Lavalette

Ron.’s debut chapbook, Fallen Away (Finishing Line Press) is now available at all standard outlets. Many of his published works can be found at EGGS OVER TOKYO.


Ralph Does It Again

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

At Ralph’s door was a shrouded figure…

“Time to go, Ralph.”


“I’m Death. And no one cheats me.”

“Come again?”

“Your time’s up. C’mon.”

“Wait a minute. I cheated my way through school.”

“So what of it?”

“Well, I cheated my way through work and two marriages.”

Ralph didn’t have time for this.

“That’s nothing,” said the shroud. “Now you’re dealing with me.”

“Okay, I cheated the IRS.”

“Lots of people do it”

“Really? I also cheated Mel Burstein at cards.”


“You heard me,” said Ralph.

“Mel Burstein? No one cheats Mel and gets away with it.”


From Guest Contributor David Sydney