Posts Tagged ‘Figment’


Dinner At The Cheney’s

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Mary sat her parents down at the sofa, grabbing nervously at her collar. She wished she could hide her eyes under the brim of her Rockies cap, but her mom always insisted she take it off while inside. Sigh.

Mary could tell by the scowl on her father’s face, the one he normally saved for his public appearances, that he knew what she was about to say.

“Mom, Dad…I’m gay.”

Both parents breathed a huge sigh of relief. Her mother even laughed a little.

“What’s funny about that?”

“We thought you were going to say you were a Democrat.”

The Daily Theme from Figment for February 3, 2012

Invent a secret for a character. Instead of deep and dark, make it pleasant and pleasurable, but a secret nonetheless. Now narrate a scene where your character is forced to reveal this hidden tidbit.



by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

“It’ll be easier if we just throw it away and start over.”

“Let’s not be too hasty. I think we can manage.”

“Fine. Then you do it.”

“Don’t get mad. I’m just trying to help.”

“You’re not trying to help. You have to control everything I do. I’m sick of it.”

“Look who’s talking. If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t even be in this situation in the first place.”

“That’s not fair. You were happy too. You just don’t like the way I’m handling it.”

“Everything would have been fine if we’d just hired the obstetrician like I wanted.”

The Daily Theme from Figment for February 1, 2012

Write an active scene entirely in dialogue. No quotation marks; no he said-she said; no description of action—just the words the characters say. Don’t explicitly tell us what the activity is, but through your characters’ dialogue, make it clear what they’re doing.


Waste Land

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

I search their faces, looking for some flicker of life, but they are deadened beyond comprehension. They cycle past silently, scared to look me in the eye.

The ground is littered with ruined debris from the last few hours of their lives. Discarded food and spilled beverages mixed with cataclysmic cadavers that were once tortured dialogue and national monuments. I know it doesn’t make much sense, but nothing much does anymore. I laugh when I realize the poor victims actually paid for the privilege.

“What happened, Detective? It’s like a war zone.”

“They just finished watching a Roland Emmerich movie.”

The Daily Theme From Figment for Jan. 24, 2012

Set your scene in a place where something significant has just occurred, leaving physical reminders in its wake. Your narrator wasn’t a part of that something and must use the remaining artifacts to determine what has happened.


The Life And Death Of William Farthing

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

When William Farthing was born, his skin was marked with a dark spot everyone said resembled a coffee bean. His father viewed the mark auspiciously and purchased a large coffee plantation in the colonies.

When his father died of syphilis, William Farthing inherited the plantation, the only item of value left of his family fortune. He moved to the colonies and took over management himself.

When William Farthing died, he was penniless and friendless, his woebegone life mercifully at an end. The undertaker noticed the dark spot on his skin, and remarked that it looked rather like a horse’s vagina.

The Daily Theme From Figment for Jan. 27, 2012

The song “ The Three Bells” tells the story of Little Jimmy Brown (read the lyrics here). In each of the song’s three verses, a milestone in Jimmy’s life—his birth, wedding, death—is marked by the sounding of church bells (hence the song’s title). Choose a similar symbol that recurs three times in a character’s life and tell that character’s life story in three parts—could be chapters, stanzas, verses, paragraphs.


The Hall Monitor

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Bobby walked the halls with his chest puffed out for everyone to see. He could still smell the peculiar mixture of turpentine and his mother’s tears he’d used to clean his badge the night before. She’d insisted she had never been prouder.

But Bobby wanted his new title to mean something more than parental recognition. He craved the sort of popularity the richer kids came by naturally. He hungered to be accepted at any lunch table and invited to all the birthdays.

It only took one day to realize he had the power to issue pink slips and nothing more.

The Daily Theme from Figment for Jan. 23, 2012

Create a character who has suddenly and unexpectedly attained some sort of power (in the wider perception of the world the level of authority may be small or great, but for this person, the change dramatic). Write about the moment in which your character truly understands the full extent of his or her new found power for the first time.


The Samba

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Juan Felipe surveyed the room. He knew the moment the radio plug went silent that his cover was blown. All eyes turned. Even as he sashayed to the music, he scrutinized those eyes, looking for an escape.

He would have preferred the merengue. He’d have used his partner to shield him from gunfire. Instead, he waited for the music to reach a crescendo, and then as his knees dipped, dropped to all fours and slunk across the floor towards the exit.

Later, as he waited for the interrogation, he wished he’d taken lessons rather than learning to dance reading Wikipedia.

The Daily Theme from Figment for Jan. 13, 2012
(Because today’s theme hasn’t arrived yet.)

Dance break: Narrate a character’s thoughts while he or she is in the midst of some serious dancing. (The character can be the most reluctant hoofer ever or Balanchine himself, but in this moment, this guy is getting down.)


A Very Similar Spot

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Steve and Hannah stepped off the cliff together.

“Do you remember the time–” Steve interrupted her before she could finish.

“Of course I do.”

They had met at a similar spot. It had been the threat of death that had first brought them together, the romance of knowing their lives literally hung in the balance that had caused them to fall in love, the thought that overcoming danger together was the perfect way to start a relationship.

Hannah looked at her husband as the ground fast approached and sighed at the memory.

“I never realized irony could be so deadly.”

The Daily Theme from Figment for Jan. 11, 2012
(Because today’s theme was completely inappropriate for a 100 word story.)

Frame story: Two people are in the midst of an intense moment—a break-in, a breakup, a breakdown. At the height of the dramatic action, one person illustrates a point by offering an anecdote about a similar situation. Delve briefly but deeply into that example, giving it as much richness as the framing narrative. Then return to your original story about the two characters. Don’t worry about neatly resolving their tale, but explore if the anecdote has changed the pair…


Contemplation And Cowardice

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

On an exceptionally hot evening early in July a young man came out of the garret in which he lodged in S. Place and walked slowly, as though in hesitation, towards K. bridge.

He had successfully avoided meeting his landlady on the staircase. He owed her money, and the thought of seeing the old crone–whose heavenly recommendations on judgement day will not take up much of her inquisitor’s time–and hearing her bleat about the rent was enough to make him contemplate murder.

But as with most things in life, the thought was never more than a pleasant diversion.

The Daily Theme from Figment for Jan. 18, 2012
Courtesy of Lev Grossman

T.S. Eliot wrote: “Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal.” It’s just as true of novelists as it is of poets. Try stealing something from a writer you like: a style that works for you, or a character you love, or a situation or a moment that really floored you. See if you can work it into your own plot. Often you’ll find that by the time you’re done, you’ve made the style or the character or the situation your own, and what started out as theft has turned into inspiration.

I stole the first two sentences from Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment, and did my best to make it my own. Obviously, Dostoevsky had a lot more space to play around with his characters.


A Prompt A Day

by thegooddoctor in News

For the rest of the month and on into February (until whenever I get tired of it) we’ll be posting a story based on a prompt from the good people over at Figment. They are featuring a prompt a day from a variety of authors in order to help stimulate your writing.

I’ll be including the prompt at the bottom, so feel free to send in your own stories based on your prompt, and we’ll post the best ones.

Happy Spring Festival!