
Feb 3rd, 2012 by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

“It’ll be easier if we just throw it away and start over.”

“Let’s not be too hasty. I think we can manage.”

“Fine. Then you do it.”

“Don’t get mad. I’m just trying to help.”

“You’re not trying to help. You have to control everything I do. I’m sick of it.”

“Look who’s talking. If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t even be in this situation in the first place.”

“That’s not fair. You were happy too. You just don’t like the way I’m handling it.”

“Everything would have been fine if we’d just hired the obstetrician like I wanted.”

The Daily Theme from Figment for February 1, 2012

Write an active scene entirely in dialogue. No quotation marks; no he said-she said; no description of action—just the words the characters say. Don’t explicitly tell us what the activity is, but through your characters’ dialogue, make it clear what they’re doing.

Quitting The Grave Cover ThumbPlease support the site by purchasing one of my books on Amazon. Check out Quitting The Grave, a murder mystery set on the Oregon Trail. Plus, don't forget my other books: They Both Loved Vonnegut, Ahab's Adventures in Wonderland, and Picasso Painted Dinosaurs.