Posts Tagged ‘Figment’


The Tough Minutes

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Gary watched the seconds tick away with an increasing sense of horror. He could not remember experiencing such excruciating tedium. He tried to distract himself with thoughts of more pleasant forms of torture, like being strapped to a gurney and having his eyelashes plucked out or listening to Yanni while getting a root canal.

The other people in line didn’t seem to mind. They were the world’s sheep, willing to waste away their lives at the mercy of others. Not Gary.

Finally his turn arrived.

“Sir, as we told you on the phone, the cable repairman will arrive this Thursday.”

The Daily Theme from Figment for March 20, 2012

In “The Busboy” episode of Seinfeld, George refers to moments like letting the car warm-up or waiting for your hair conditioner to work as “tough minutes.” Narrate a character’s thoughts in one of these “tough minutes.” What does he or she think about during those interminable seconds?


The Hamburger Joint At Closing Time

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Mr. Brand walked into the fast food joint just as it was closing. He could tell by the cashier’s defiant look they were going to exchange words.

“Why don’t you take your business elsewhere?”

Mr. Brand punched the cashier in the face, then pulled out his gun and pointed it at his eye. But rather than fear, the boy stared back at him with hatred.

“I guess you didn’t realize I’m your son.”

“I know who you fucking are. It’s says Tony Brand on that stupid name tag they make you wear. It’s a fucking disgrace to your grandfather’s name.”

The Daily Theme from Figment for March 19, 2012

On Friday, we gave you this theme:
A person walks into a restaurant, orders a meal, and has a fight with the server. Let the setting (time of day, kind of restaurant) guide your telling of the story.

For today, revisit that story, but now set it during a different time of day and in a different type of restaurant. How does the change in time and place affect your telling?


The Cannoli

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Mr. Brand walked into the Italian joint and ordered the cannoli. Tony the server gave Mr. Brand a look of disgust the likes of which he had not seen in twenty years.

“Do you know who I am?”

Tony was not intimidated. “Screw you. Make your own food.”

Mr. Brand looked out the front window at the setting sun. Then he turned back to Tony and shot him in the leg.

“Now get me my cannoli.”

Tony fell to the ground and started laughing uncontrollably.

“What’s so funny?”

“I’m your son.”

“Good. Then get me my fucking cannoli, you bastard.”

The Daily Theme from Figment for March 16, 2012

A person walks into a restaurant, orders a meal, and has a fight with the server. Let the setting (time of day, kind of restaurant) guide your telling of the story.


I Can’t Tell If Jason’s Being Sarcastic At The End

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

On the day you were born, Jason, you nearly died.

I know, Dad. You’ve told me a million times.

Sure. But did I tell you the part where you and your mother fell 30 stories?

Yes, just as the truck full of pillows drove by.

Right. Well, what about the earthquake?

Yeah, that too. I get it. I was super lucky to survive.

I’m sorry. Anyway, I wanted you to have this for your graduation. It’s the grenade that marine accidentally dropped into your baby basket. It was a dud.

Wow. I didn’t know that part of the story. Thanks, Dad.

The Daily Theme from Figment for March 8, 2012

Talisman transformation: Tell the story of how an ordinary object becomes a person’s lucky charm.



by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

General Stern chewed on his tobacco lustily, the last luxury he afforded himself. Once the surrender was completed, there’d be no more tobacco. No more anything, most likely, except a dark cell. They’d probably try him for war crimes. He probably deserved it, too. But if the Battle at the Ridge had played out differently, he’d be a hero rather than a criminal.

It was only after he had submitted to the enemy that the message came through.

Reinforcements are on their way.

The general spit out the nicotine-laced saliva with a bitter grin. It’s funny how things play out.

The Daily Theme from Figment for March 6, 2012

A letter, email, or text message is delivered to its recipient late enough to have dramatic and irrevocable consequences. If only it had arrived on time, everything would have been different.

In addition to showing us the ramifications of its tardiness, try to include the actual text of the delayed message in your theme.


Not So Rosy

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

The technology was overwhelming at first, but as with all revolutions, people adapted eventually. The rose-colored glasses, as they were called, physically altered your appearance to more closely correspond to how people perceive you. The ads all showed some variation of a wife looking at her husband and seeing an Olympic athlete.

But Malcolm never quite accepted the way the device changed him so ruthlessly, to the point he had completely lost control of his appearance. It was especially distasteful to find the dog staring up at him and knowing that it was seeing a giant slab of raw meat.

The Daily Theme from Figment for February 27, 2012

Scarlett letters. Dunce caps. Golden stars. Beauty queen sashes.

Describe the day in the life of a character who has been punished or honored with wearing a physical badge of how he or she is viewed by the world.


The Fine Print

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

As soon as the door opened, Jackson sprinted from the school bus. He could see the parcel sticking out of the mailbox from a hundred yards away. It had finally arrived.

Jackson ripped open the package. There it was. His brand new death ray. It looked just like in the magazine.

He suspiciously eyed the warranty at the bottom. He could barely read the fine print, but he would have bet his life it said something about his soul being forfeit to the devil in event of actual use.

Whatever. He had a death ray. Now, where was Chris Jenkins?

The Daily Theme from Figment for February 13, 2012

A character receives a parcel in the mail–something he or she was expecting. However, when this person opens the package, in addition to the anticipated item, there is something else. Something very surprising.


The Dead Chill

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

There I am on the down side of dusk. I stand stock still as the men drag her to the van. She used to be worth a look or two but now she is dead. Dead to me at least. Dead in the sense that I can’t see her no more. Dead.

The sun is dead too and the chill is in me. I slink my way back to the house. They mean to ask more of me, but I am spent. What can I tell them this time I had not said times past?

I found her that way.

The Daily Theme from Figment for Feb. 9, 2012

This is a prompt I love to use when I first meet a new class. I tell them to take out their pens and write me a piece–the theme is up to them. It need not be long. But it needs to be a real scene. And the sole rule that frames what they write is this: You may not use a word with more than one syllable. It sounds hard, but “syllable” is the lone word used here that has more than one.


Stage Fright

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Peter replayed the conversation in his head endlessly. He had been such a fool. Every moment of his life the past 20 years, he prayed to have that moment back, and every moment for the rest of his natural life he would do the same. But nothing, no amount of pleading, no arguments, no appeals to the law or common sense, could ever get that moment back.

It had been such a simple question, and Peter had totally fucked it up.

“If you were innocent like you say, why’d you plead guilty?”

“I just don’t know, Bob, I just don’t know.”

The Daily Theme from Figment for February 7, 2012

On occasion, we all accidentally say something stupid/awkward/insulting enough that we replay the offending conversation in our heads again and again, agonizing over our own doltishness. Write about a character who is currently being plagued by the recurring embarrassment of such an incident.


The Institution

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

The Institution stood at the top of the hill, perched over the city like a carrion bird. The city sagged below the Institution like heat-festered roadkill. The relationship between the two was a symbiotic one.

Ralph trudged to the Institution hauling the gold and the letters and the scented cadavers. He placed the annual tribute inside the entry and awaited instructions.

The door to his right was slightly ajar so Ralph went to have a look. It was a musty, little-used coat room.

“You’re not allowed in there.”

Ralph shrugged his shoulders and plodded back down to the city.

The Daily Theme from Figment for February 6, 2012

Set a scene inside an institution of some kind (a school, a hospital, a bank). Now take us to a room that only a few people normally have access to (a janitorial closet, the morgue, an executive suite). What happens when someone gets in who shouldn’t be there?