Posts Tagged ‘Witch’


The Trousseau

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Eleanor eyed the old trunk. Inside was the collection of presents and hand-me-downs her aunties had assembled for her trousseau. But three years into her marriage, she had never opened it before tonight.

The objects were mostly as she expected, recipes and trinkets meant to give her certain disposable comforts in her new household. But now she had need of one particular item packed away at the bottom: her grandmother’s wand.

When she had married Stephen, she’d promised to give up witchcraft. But now that he had cheated on her, every one of her vows was going to be broken.


Something Wicked

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

She had only one weakness, but as with others of tremendous power–Achilles, Samson–it would be that weakness that would be her undoing.

Her body was a desiccated husk, a mere formality, an inaudible whisper. Her shadow had more of an essence. It was the dryness of her corporeal form that allowed her to create her greatest feats of magic. It was the dryness of her soul that led her to evil.

In the end, it was a bucket of water that occasioned her demise. Once she had tasted water, it was impossible to continue life as a witch.