Posts Tagged ‘Traffic’



by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Squealing brakes was the last sound Jonathan Perry heard. A red 1997 Ford Mustang slammed into him as he legally crossed at the corner of Matthews and 25th.

Seven blocks and 45 seconds later, the left leg of Kirsten Tolliver was shattered by a silver 2007 Honda Civic as she waited, ironically enough, for her bus to the hospital.

At Lincoln and 62nd, the Palmer family, James and Stephanie, their daughter Iris, and their half-Lab, half-Dalmatian Patches, were struck head on by the aforementioned Mustang as it merged into oncoming traffic.

This was the point at which the chase ended.



by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Daphne had always maintained a strict policy of never doing anything that she was ordered to do. When her mother told her she must always look both ways before crossing the street, she would immediately run headlong into traffic.

As you can imagine, not only did Daphne’s attitude make her a difficult employee, but it also put her life in constant danger. So it really should come as no surprise that she died horribly when a paramedic told her to swallow the antidote to the poison she had just defiantly swallowed and she refused.

Very few people attended Daphne’s funeral.