Posts Tagged ‘Scientists’


The Affliction

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

The moment he was born, he’d immediately cursed at the affliction, causing the doctors to gasp, his mother to cry. The scientists argued whether he was a product of his environment, or his stars had preordained the shortcoming

His way of coping had always been to cover up who he was. Others accused him of turning his back on his heritage, of betraying his family, but they couldn’t understand what it was like for him.

Finally, when he became CEO of his company, he accepted who he was. Perhaps it wasn’t so bad being a white, protestant male after all.

The Daily Theme From Figment For March 30, 2012

After trying for years to change something about himself or herself, your character decides in an instant just to live with it.


Echoless Well

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

The town of Bottomless Well was famous for one reason only.

No one could ever remember any water being drawn from the well. Yet, thanks to its purported wish granting properties, people still visited from miles around.

The well was meant to be a mystery, like God or a woman’s heart; it was better not knowing where the bottom lay.

When scientists discovered that the floor reached exactly 36 feet and 7 inches underground, and that the peculiar convex shape and absorptive qualities of the rock prevented any sound from escaping, the villagers pragmatically changed the name. Life carried on as before.


High And Dry

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

The manatee looked down upon us with regal wisdom. The deep folds in its weathered skin, some natural, some long forgotten scars of a life lived in perpetual danger, lent an aura of hidden knowledge. This Manatee was here to teach us, or warn us, or provide one last chance to mend our ways.

The audience continued to grow throughout the day. Most people heard the shrill calls and attributed some positive environmental message. To me, they sounded like shrieks of fear.

Scientists were never able to satisfactorily explain how a manatee got stuck at the top of that tree.


The Mad Scientist

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

He was mad. Truly mad.

He spent nearly every moment in his lab, concocting, inventing, dissecting the most horrific of catastrophes. His chilling laughter echoed through the 3 AM night.

He toyed with science, shaping it in his hands, bending it to his crazed will, contorting the numbers to the point where everything was possible.

He published his results profusely. His colleagues, upon receiving their monthly journals, trembled with dismay when they saw his name listed in the table of contents.

His diabolical genius compelled him to tweak his results just enough that all of his results would be slightly inaccurate.