Posts Tagged ‘Old Man’


A Modern Fable

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

The old man who lived on the hill was named Mr. Hill. He was so stingy, he even begrudged giving affection.

At the bottom of the hill, there lived an old widow. She was named Mrs. Bottoms. She was extremely lonely because no one from the town ever visited her.

The town social worker, her name was Mrs. Church, decided it would be a good idea to get Mr. Hill to marry Mrs. Bottoms. She concocted a very complicated plan to bring them together.

Although Mr. Hill and Mrs. Bottoms did indeed marry, their union brought neither of them happiness.


Somewhere In North Dakota

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Gerald stared at the twenty-foot tower and wondered what it could be.

From a distance, it looked like a giant rock formation protruding from the Earth. It might be described as an upside-down cone or an animal horn sticking out of the ground. Whatever it was, it didn’t seem natural.

When examined up close, it obviously wasn’t any kind of rock. The old man who was charging one dollar for admission explained. “This here is one of the last remaining stings from when the giant bees invaded. It’s lucky the Earth doesn’t have an allergy or we’d all be dead.”