Posts Tagged ‘Lunch’



by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

The girls in accounts are crying.

They returned from lunch to find the end of month statements shredded and scattered across their department like confetti.

Divisional manager Mr. Yale was vetting the statements, when he thought he saw a mistake. He took punitive action instantly.

The following week, statements reprinted, the girls sit with Mr. Yale to check any error he may find.

There is no sign of a mistake.

Apart from the statements going out late, it is a most enjoyable month for Mr. Yale.

Satisfied with his bonus, he savors the delicious memory of making the girls cry.

From Guest Contributor Barry O’Farrell

Barry is an actor living in Brisbane, Australia. The acting experience has inspired a latent desire to write. Barry is enjoying the challenge of writing in 100 words.


The Hall Monitor

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Bobby walked the halls with his chest puffed out for everyone to see. He could still smell the peculiar mixture of turpentine and his mother’s tears he’d used to clean his badge the night before. She’d insisted she had never been prouder.

But Bobby wanted his new title to mean something more than parental recognition. He craved the sort of popularity the richer kids came by naturally. He hungered to be accepted at any lunch table and invited to all the birthdays.

It only took one day to realize he had the power to issue pink slips and nothing more.

The Daily Theme from Figment for Jan. 23, 2012

Create a character who has suddenly and unexpectedly attained some sort of power (in the wider perception of the world the level of authority may be small or great, but for this person, the change dramatic). Write about the moment in which your character truly understands the full extent of his or her new found power for the first time.