Posts Tagged ‘Humanity’


When I Realised The Earth Wasn’t Flat, I Felt Pretty Damn Foolish

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

The swarm arrived at the beginning of the week, their language that of war, and humanity the patient listeners.

Continents of flame pulsed now, flickering orange across a world recently gone dark.

Those who could, stayed and fought. Crumbling capitals and plasma-charred skeletons formed the battlefields of Earth by midweek.

Those who couldn’t (and those like myself who wouldn’t), hopped on the soonest evac shuttles to Mars.

I nudge a couple away from the window to catch the last view of a burning Earth from orbit.

The sight haunts me.

After all this time, I had guessed the shape wrong.

From Guest Contributor S.R Malone


Death’s Splendid Gifts

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Death and beauty were bound by love.

Its strength bore them two children in turn.

A prophet, intuitive and quick.

A defender, strong and kind.

Content together, all offered their talents so the world could partake of their bliss.

Beauty blessed creation, allowing all to enjoy its earthly splendor.

The prophet gave insight to decipher and atone for man’s errors.

The defender offered courage and strength to the masses.

Death bestowed his touch to all, releasing them from life’s toil.

Under their hand, humanity found constants, forever extant as long as man lived.

All inevitable, all wondrous and all binding.

From Guest Contributor Michelle Vongkaysone


Proof Of Concept

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

In hindsight, it a was generous offer by the aliens. Submit to genetic engineering and humanity’s intelligence would be doubled.

They certainly have demonstrated what we missed out on. We were far too suspicious of the motives of others.

I shake the trotter of Lily, a piebald pig who took a scant five minutes to beat me at chess.

“Now that you’re the most intelligent species on Earth, is there any need for mankind any more?”

She yawned. “They gave us intelligence, but you have opposable thumbs. There’s going to be plenty of manual work for you humans to do.”

From Guest Contributor Ross Clement


The Tyranny Of Mathematics

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

When the robots took over the Earth, their collective aim had been to eliminate the human threat. Once accomplished, their greatest fear became the introduction of a virus code that could cause permanent damage.

But their reign has now ended due to an even more destructive menace. Not even the logic of the robots could overcome the flawless perfection of mathematics itself. What has left many of the robots feeling most aggrieved is their downfall was precipitated by a number of their own kind.

The humans would probably find the current situation ironic–if any of them were left alive.


Crisis Averted, Please Carry On

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

The service officers of the Shuminelectra Corporation were taught an abundance of protocols designed to prevent a crisis. They practiced the politest forms of speech, ran through dozens of foreseeable threats to public order, and were authorized to neutralize all potential disruptions. Shuminelectra Corp. provided the most efficient quality control platform in the entire new territories.

So it was that long after the planet had been abandoned, a group of officers were still operating at full efficiency. They truly were a marvel of engineering. Their decision to banish humanity had ensured that service would run smoothly for centuries to come.


Human Resolve

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Hernando lowered himself into his chair and began the painful process of unbandaging his feet. The mines took a lot out of him and the thought had crossed his mind many times that surviving might not be worth the effort anymore. He winced at the bloody mess. Even if he’d once been the one lecturing his friends on the need to keep fighting, no matter how small the act of resistance, he was now reaching the end of his resolve.

But if humanity was ever going to win back its freedom from the outerworlders, Hernando could not abandon all hope.

Today’s Story was based on a prompt from Lillie McFerrin Writes.


The Best In The World

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

“I can make you the best in the world at one thing,” said the leprechaun.

David mulled his choice over carefully before eventually answering, “I want to be the best in the world at not dying.”

The leprechaun sighed, and David smiled smugly. “I outwitted you, didn’t I? You weren’t expecting that.”

“It’s not too late to change your mind.”

“Nope, that’s what I want.”

“Very well,” the leprechaun responded sadly.

A few moments later, a giant asteroid collided with the Earth. Over the next several months, humanity died off in the apocalyptic conditions. David was the last human alive.


Invisible Ether

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Sentience is defined as a state of awareness of one’s own existence. For most of history, humanity believed we were the lone species to enjoy true consciousness. We were wrong.

It wasn’t surprising when we learned apes, dolphins, elephants, and other higher mammals were definitely sentient. We’d always understood they were capable of a full range of emotions. But when scientists concluded that the dust mites were also conscious beings, people began to freak out.

It’s weird to think about the billions of tiny souls floating in the invisible ether.

In a total non-surprise, the fundamentalists are calling them angels.


The Information Overload

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

I was fifteen the year information came alive. Before that, we had a vague sense that information was becoming more dangerous, that there was a potential for catastrophe, but everyone was too busy making money to worry much about the ramifications.

Now our only hope is that knowledge can somehow overcome the information overload. Information bangs on pots and pans demanding your attention. It feeds off it. Knowledge sits quietly in its room waiting to be called upon.

It’s still an open question which is more powerful. But either way, the days of humanity dominating the Earth are long over.


Stephen Samenlego

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

For Stephen Samenlego, even the simple act of walking across the street was a chore. He prepared for the ordeal with a regimen of ointments and black market pharmaceuticals that he applied to his most delicate areas. His biggest fear was someone would notice his discomfit and so he plastered over his features to look as resplendent as on celluloid.

His passings always attracted enormous attention. Samenlego often thought the crowds mocked him, that they considered he was somehow undeserving of his unrivaled celebrity. Being the world’s greatest film star has the effect of isolating you from your fellow humanity.