Posts Tagged ‘Horizon’


Worries In The Sand

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

I write my worries in the sand. They stretch across the beach, one after another. I shake as I write them – the pain intense. Finally, I finish. I walk away from them and sit down on the dry sand above the tide line to wait. The waves rush in, lapping over the words, washing them away. The tension leaves my shoulders as the sand smooths out, but the pain is still there. Will death wash away aches like the tide waters? Will I become smooth like the sand as I wash out into the eternal sea of the next horizon?

From Guest Contributor Tyrean Martinson

Tyrean is a daydreamer, believer, and writer from the Pacific Northwest.


The Final Voyage

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Grandfather boarded the old boat cautiously, wary of his footing. But once he’d left the docks behind, his balance actually improved. The years on shore might have accelerated his aging. We all silently hoped that being on the water might reverse his decline.

We waved optimistically as he pushed away from the pier, careful to act like this was any other departure. As Grandfather awkwardly raised the sails, he lacked the same proficiency of his younger days, though they eventually caught the wind and the boat glided away.

We cried then, knowing we’d never see Grandfather again. The horizon beckoned.



by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Only a motorcyclist knows why a dog sticks his head out a car window, he thought. A perfect day for a road trip. 79 degrees, cloudless blue sky, divorce finalized, and the new girlfriend’s boobs felt terrific against his back. The speedometer needle inched past 105mph. Miles of Nevada Highway 50 stretched into the horizon.

The auditory bliss of an unmuffled V-Twin’s howl was joined, and subsequently replaced, by a symphony of mechanical annihilation. 1200 feet and sixty-five seconds later, a cloud of pink mist, feathers, chrome, plastic, aluminum, steel, and leather came to rest.

The desert’s natural silence prevailed.

From Guest Contributor Edward Yoho

Edward recently earned an MFA in Writing from Lindenwood University. According to his spirit guide/favorite professor, the title of his thesis, Science Fiction, Sarcasm, and Other Profane Oddities, accurately reflects his writing aesthetic. Edward’s previous publication credits include an essay and a fiction story in Potluck Magazine.



by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

The sparse landscape spread in every direction. There were mountains to be sure, a flat white one to this left and a glass tower to the right, but there was no food within actual reach.

Jim crawled forward, then back, then to the left and right. An observer might think his path random, but Jim’s instinct told him that the best way to find food was this haphazard approach.

He panicked when the giant approached. Only its torso was visible above the horizon, but Jim went hurdling in the other direction.

He wished he’d never left the hill this morning.


Crater Lake

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Raymond stared across the horizon. Where Denver once stood, there was just a huge crater lake beneath a shimmering mist. The black water reflected the sunlight like a dark twisted mirror. There was no sigh of any survivors.

Raymond stared down at the manual in his hand. He thought he had followed the instructions exactly. He was not an expert in science or technology by any means, so he couldn’t understand how turning on the wireless radio would have obliterated his home town.

All he knew was that he would be plagued by guilt for the rest of his life.


It’s A Pirate’s Life For Me

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

The boat listed back and forth in the gradual waves under a massive, cloudless sky. Drake, scratching at his stubbled face, stared across the empty horizon. As the sunlight refracted in time to the vessel’s movement, he could not spy even a mirage. The sea was parched of features, as it had been for countless weeks. Drake could not remember the last time they had encountered another ship, or his last sip of whiskey.

Drake sighed and went back to swabbing the deck. Life as a pirate was much less interesting than the stories had made it out to be.