Posts Tagged ‘High School’



by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

The whispers tickled her ears as if carried on the wind. She’d turn around, looking for the source, but everyone would be facing lockers or huddled in small groups. Whoever it was, he wanted her to suffer.

She started faking illnesses in order to stay home for school, hoping he would forget her. Yet every time she returned, he was waiting to torment her. The worst part was that he never revealed himself, so she couldn’t confide in a teacher or counselor, lest they think she were crazy.

It is this kind of insidious behavior that makes ghosts so frightening.


Dinner With Margaret Atwood

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

The conversation was polite, she’s Canadian after all, but surface. Her interest seemed genuine when I mentioned I wanted to be a writer, the way a mother is interested in her five-year-old’s finger painting. I needed to flaunt my understanding, to let her know that I get it, and hated to think I was being patronized. She tolerated my high school English critiques with all the grace that you’d expect, but as the food dwindled, my desperation grew. I felt like I was missing my chance, that somehow if I won her approval, everything would be okay. I would matter.

Another submission to Every Day A Century, which will be posted soon.


The Grave Diggers

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Bill and Greg had worked as gravediggers for the New Horizons Cemetery for more than twenty years, but their feelings about the job couldn’t have been more different.

Bill hated digging graves. He detested manual labor, felt weirded out being around so many dead people, and frequently complained about his increased risk of skin cancer. He regretted not having finished high school, leaving him with few options to feed his family.

Greg, on the other hand, approached his job with a more optimistic demeanor. He responded to every one of Bill’s complaints the same way.

“Well, it beats digging ditches.”


Lake Wakona

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

George and Kristen were counselors at the Lake Wakona Christian Retreat. They’d met there several years before as campers and were eager to become reacquainted now that they were in high school.

First love can be a majestic experience, filled with dizzying heights of emotion, but almost always ending in a pit of despair. For George and Kristen it would be no different. They shared their first kiss and pledged to love each other always.

Fortunately, George and Kristen would spend the rest of their lives together. Unfortunately, they were both killed that summer by the Lake Wakona chainsaw butcher.


Election Day

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Yesterday was election day. I went to the local high school to vote, but I was denied by one of the polling volunteers. I’d remembered to bring two forms of ID as well as a copy of my voter registration card, just in case the new voting laws made it necessary. When she still said no, I started to get slightly upset.

She claimed it had something to do with the string of severed ears I was wearing around my neck, but I’m pretty sure America stills allows for freedom of religion, so I don’t know what her deal was.


Mathematical Calamity

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Calamity followed him everywhere. His primary school was destroyed in a tornado. His middle school suffered an earthquake. His high school burned down in an electrical fire.

As the catastrophes mounted, journalists and theologians began looking at the pattern and noticed him at its center. They speculated he was a malevolent hell-spawn.

It wasn’t until his death at the age of one hundred and seven, a four-time widower and the survivor of several plane crashes, two world wars, and the nuclear holocaust, that a mathematician finally made the proper assessment.

Ralph Warner was officially the luckiest man to ever live.


Mean Philosophers

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Socrates Johnson hated almost everything about high school. The long winded teachers more interested in test scores than true knowledge. The jocks who would bully him for being too smart. Graduation could not come fast enough.

Only one person made school palatable. The young Alcibiades, with his famous matriarch, polished oratorical skills and handsome demeanor, was among the most popular boys. No one could understand why the future statesman spent so much of his time with the ill-favored Socrates.

In the end, Socrates and Alcibiades found themselves with broken hearts. The hottest love, as they say, has the coldest end.


High School Confidential

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

The quarterback, blonde, drives a corvette, announced, “We’re going to decimate Bayside High at Homecoming.” All the girls swooned.

The nerd raised his hand, “Actually, decimate means to destroy one out of every ten.”

After class, the quarterback punched out the nerd in front of the head cheerleader. He then asked her to the dance.

The nerd was secretly in love with the cheerleader. He did her chemistry homework, hoping she would remember his name.

At the dance, the cheerleader realized that the nerd was actually the man of her dreams. They lived happily ever after, at least until college.

Genre: High School