Posts Tagged ‘Food’


Light Finds A Way

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

In the urban underbelly of the city, an entire population of unfortunates spent their entire lives in the blackness of the sewers. For generations, they’d had nothing but rats and each other for food, until Earl began cultivating rows and rows of crops in the light-deprived tunnels, where not even electricity reached. He made himself into the richest man in the world, yet no surface dwellers had ever heard of him.

When asked how he grew food without light, Earl claimed his crops were nourished on the clarity of his conviction. In reality, he was smuggling sunlight from above ground.


The Conquering Heroes

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Viking raiders would return from their numerous expeditions and invasions as conquering heroes and hope to receive a heroes’ welcome. Instead, they were generally greeted with indifference bordering on disdain.

Their victims around the world thought of Vikings as the most fearsome warriors on Earth, but that wasn’t true. The only reason they needed to sail to distant lands in search of plunder and wives was because they’d been alienated from their own communities. They were considered enfeebled outcasts.

The strongest Viking warriors in fact stayed home and forced their weaker counterparts to pay them tribute in food and gold.


Tiny Carrots

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Baby Joey watched the spectacle from safely beneath the kitchen table. His parents were measuring the brisance of hurled kitchen items and all he could think about were the two tiny carrots prominently displayed on the battlefield linoleum.

To get to them, he would have to crawl into the crossfire. The dishware made the loudest noise. The cutlery, especially the cleaver, certainly seemed the most dangerous.

But overall, from Baby Joey’s way of looking at things, the eggs and tomatoes were the most enjoyable to watch explode.

With all the distractions, he soon forgot about the tiny carrots. Stupid baby.