Posts Tagged ‘Finger’


Four A.M. Flyby

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Disease shrunk his body to nothingness; pain drew up his limbs, tightening his skin until not even his love for her could stave off time.

Finally, he spread his body wide in ecstasy, unfolding each joint, stretching parched skin that once pulsed strong with every heartbeat. With breath diminishing, he flexed each finger, arm, leg, until he was lifted up and out into the dawn.

Four friends awoke, soothed by the tender touch of a breeze kissing their brows. His soul passed; he whispered, “Goodbye, old and treasured friends.”

It was his leaving hour; it was his four a.m. flyby.

From Guest Contributor Karen Sallee


That Which Grows, That Which Dies

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Lisa found a pallid yellow seed on her pillow. She rolled it between her finger and thumb, speculating that if planted, a good husband would grow. One that didn’t drink or stay out all night. One that wouldn’t smoke, swear, shout and scold. Her man would come, different to the others.

The seed cracked and an ocher fluid seeped onto Lisa’s fingers. She licked at it as the crack repaired itself. The fluid was hot on her tongue. It erased all the thoughts she had of the perfect spouse and replaced them with images of sleeping pills and razor blades.

From Guest Contributor, Horrorshow


My Last Hawaiian Vacation

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

My new swim trunks were still crispy and smelled of a fresh paint. I plunged into the warm Hawaiian water, ready for my long-postponed vacation. And then I saw Her.

She gave me a hearty, genuinely happy smile, exposing a string of perfect, pearly white teeth. Her tight black skin glittered under the sun. She was clearly into me.

I looked back at my family uncomfortably. Little Johnny was pointing his little finger in my direction: too late. My body split in half, the ocean stained scarlet.

Luckily, my swim trunks remained completely intact: Sharky did not like their taste.

From Guest Contributor, Olga Klezovitch

Olga is a scientist who lives in Seattle. Her previous work has appeared in 50-Word Stories, Necon E-Books, and A Story in 100 Words