Posts Tagged ‘Die’


Guilt-Free Murder

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Carlos dragged the body onto the street. Veronica screamed about the neighbors, but if anyone was awake, it was because she was screaming. Besides, he didn’t care who knew.

Mr. Caspar had deserved to die. He’d hit Veronica. He’d hit Mrs. Caspar. He’d hit the dog. If Carlos had to go to jail, at least he’d know Veronica was safe.

Veronica screamed again. It made Carlos mad to see her crying for her father, but he’d never admit to a mistake.

Today, we’re deviating from the 100-word format. Today’s story is exactly 81 words, and is a submission for this writing site.


Jeb And Gerold

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Jeb thought he was safe for the time being; then he heard something:

“Who’s there?”

“Someone trying to stay alive.”

Jeb peered and saw someone. He crept forward, cradling his rifle.

The young man sat on some hay, his legs spread out, arms back.

“Go ahead, shoot.”

Jeb came up, and sat across from the Yankee.

“Not yet. How did you get caught in this mess?”

“I could ask the same about you.”

They looked at each other, forming similar thoughts.

“We could die tonight, you know,” said Jeb.

“Life’s too precious for that.” They leaned forward, and then kissed.

From Guest Contributor, Dycen Alexander


The Red Lever

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words


The alarm system sounded throughout the starship, almost to the point of annoyance. Every crew member was well aware their lives were in imminent danger as they passed the event horizon.

Ensign Jones waited in the heaters. He understood little of their mission besides the rumors. But he hoped it was important. He didn’t want to die for nothing. He had joined the Fleet hoping to become famous, and after eleven years he was still an ensign.

Jones yanked down the red lever. He didn’t want to die for nothing, but they were all going to die.