June, 2020 Archives


The Great Moose Walk

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words


It was time for The Great Moose Walk. The moose knew it was their task to walk from northern Sweden to the somewhat more hospitable south. In recent years cameras had been placed on their route, and people all over the world watched the moose on television. Inevitably, the cameras affected the animals, who knew that humans wanted to be entertained. “Hey guys,” the head of Moosedom said, “Let’s show them a thing or two.” So they made odd gestures, smiled a lot, pranced and danced and generally showed off. Then the head of Moosedom yelled, “Hey, guys, watch this!”

From Guest Contributor Anita G. Gorman



by thegooddoctor in 100 Words


It is nighttime. Myriad dots of light litter the sky. We lie on our bed with our distinct commitments disinterested in rekindling a lost pulse. As a pack of wolves practice their choric song, my wife trembles, scratches her skin and flutters her limbs trying to repress an urge. She grinds her teeth as if she wants to sing like the baritone owls and soprano sparrows. I ask, “What’s wrong?” She doesn’t bother with an answer. Instead she escapes into the toilet. A high-pitched scream perks my ears. She returns with calm on her face and nuzzles into my neck.

From Guest Contributor Anindita Sarkar

Anindita is from India. She is a Research Scholar at Jadavpur University. Her works have recently appeared in Indolent Books, Ariel chart Magazine, and Flash Friday Fiction.


Anger Is An Arrow

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

The sun was shining for once, and I was sitting out on the patio with a book, Clare Carlisle’s Philosopher of the Heart: The Restless Life of Soren Kierkegaard, open on my lap, while I stared off into the middle distance, trying to think of a specific skill my angry beautiful workaholic father had taught me growing up – how to change the oil in a car, for example, or restring a steel-string acoustic guitar, or make sourdough starter from scratch – and I couldn’t, I couldn’t think of one, unless, that is, you consider being a yellow bull’s eye a skill.

From Guest Contributor Howie Good

Howie is the author most recently of Stick Figure Opera: 99 100-word Prose Poems from Cajun Mutt Press. He co-edits the online journals Unbroken and UnLost.


A New Home

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words


“Hi, we’re the new foster parents. Are the little ones ready?”

The woman who opened the door has tears in her eyes.

“You’re early.”

“We were anxious to see them.”

“Promise me you’ll take care of them.”

“Um… certainly, madam.”

“I’ll get my husband.”

A man comes to the door, carrying a basket and then handing it over.

“Is everything all right with the missus? She seems a bit upset. She IS aware we will end up eating them, right?”

“Sssst. No need to remind her of that.”

“Maybe you should consider to stop giving away free tomato plants, then.”

From Guest Contributor Hervé Suys


The Man Who Loved Trees

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words


There once was a boy who loved trees. He frequently played in the woods near his village, until one day all the trees were gone.

He decided to plant a new tree every day. His friends laughed at him, insisting that one person couldn’t make a difference. But he was determined. Many years passed, and the number of trees he’d planted grew into the thousands. An entire forest existed thanks to his efforts.

Then the hurricane came. All his trees were wiped out in a single night.

The morning after the storm, the man woke up and planted a tree.

From Guest Contributor Cissy Lee


Dangerous Mission

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

As he lay in his bunk, even the gentle swells of the sea could not calm his anxiety. He had worked so hard to get here. He had learned map reading, sailed along the coast of Africa, and Ireland. It had taken years to secure funding for this voyage. He would not allow himself to fail now.

The last few days had been difficult. Rations were running low and the crew were restless. It had been seventy days since leaving Seville. Had he somehow miscalculated?

Suddenly Columbus heard shouting and running above deck. His heart skipped a beat: “Land Ahoy!”

From Guest Contributor Janice Siderius



by thegooddoctor in 100 Words


I watch the red cardinal swoop from tree to tree and chirp in unison with the other birds while flapping its wings. The air is crisp and the sun abundant. The breeze gives a slight chill, so I wrap a scarf around my neck and continue planting.

The sun begins to fade, and the birds disappear into the sky. I wipe my forehead and remove the gardening gloves.

As I sit with my feet up sipping a cold glass of water, I say a silent prayer that the pandemic ends, and we are free as the birds flying this earth.

From Guest Contributor Lisa Scuderi-Burkimsher



by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

It was an old apartment. Sam was sitting on the edge of the bed. He looked at the window. He could see the blue sky and white clouds floating in it. He could see the birds flying high in the sky. There was silence in the room. His two deep blue eyes were filled with innocence and sadness. He was so young. So young to be this hurt. He sat there alone. He had never felt so lonely before. He turned his gaze to the door. It was still closed. His eyes moistened and a tear rolled down his face.

From Guest Contributor Sergio Nicolas



by thegooddoctor in 100 Words


Kyrel sucks the last remaining liquid from his glucose package and drops the empty packet on the floor. His mother always complains about the lack of variety, but GelCorp has come out with three new flavors in the last month, all thoroughly tested on young consumers to ensure their likability.

His mother’s always going on about the way things used to be. Kyrel is more modern in his outlook. The companies are simply responding to consumer demand, not forcing anything on anyone. Who wants to eat so-called food when you can get your nutrition custom-engineered to your exact genetic profiles?

From Guest Contributor Jeff Heston


Except In Pictures

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words


His mother always said you solved more problems with words than with fists. But his was not a peaceful nature, and after years of unanswered abuses, he was unwilling to sit by and do nothing.

The bomb exploded on the night of May 1st, 1997. One person was killed, another injured. Both security guards.

His lawyer would argue that the deaths were tragic accidents, that he’d thought the building would be empty. The truth was he hadn’t cared.

Now he’s in jail, no chance for parole. Nature is still being destroyed, and he hasn’t seen a tree in many years.

From Guest Contributor Samantha Dryden