December, 2018 Archives



by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

A young couple ambled into a strip mall parking lot. Carla wrapped herself around Thomas.

“I’m making a point,” she said.


“I want to show someone I’m in love.” He smiled. “An old man.”

He frowned, and Carla nodded toward a lone figure staring from across the street. She kissed Thomas hard, quick. “He found me on the dating site. We had coffee. I was, like, your picture was 30 years old! Think your Cary Grant charm would win me over?”

“Cary …?”

“George Clooney?”

Thomas pouted.

“But it’s you I love. Now go put a scare into him.”

From Guest Contributor Chris Callard



by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Steve wasn’t one to believe in miracles. He understood too well the depravities of the human heart. More often than not he was victim to the world’s machinations. That’s how fate had led him to the streets.

So when the woman offered a hot meal, he expected some sort of catch, likely in the form of a lengthy sermon. When she offered a warm bed, he called to mind images of harvested organs and sexual servitude. When she claimed through phony tears to be his mother, he fled at the first opportunity, certain it was another conspiracy plotting against him.