Why LOTR Sucks: So So Awful

Every time Peter Jackson changes the story to fit his vision of what the Lord of the Rings should be, it leads to unforeseen consequences down the line. When Sam was ordered away by Frodo (never happened in the book) I assumed he would just follow behind because that’s who Sam is. He is completely loyal to Frodo and would never abandon him. Sam knows that the ring is warping Frodo’s mind.

But Peter Jackson decides Sam isn’t all that loyal after all. Sam starts climbing down the steps, heading back to the Shire I suppose. Then he slips and falls, coming to a stop right next to the lembas bread that Gollum threw over the cliff. What a brilliant coincidence, Peter Jackson! I bet Tolkien wishes he had thought of it himself. I’m sure that one will haunt him for the rest of eternity.

Seeing the bread reminds him of what a twat Gollum is, and Sam turns around, probably out of a sense of revenge. Because, you know, he isn’t loyal.

The scene does afford us three more slow motion close ups of hobbits crying, so I count the whole episode as a push.

Minutes Watched: 3.2:16.30

Number of Montages: 17

Number of slow motion close-ups of people crying: 61

Start at the beginning

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