A Mint-Green Advertorial Ford Sedan

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Pages Read: 340

Pages To Go: 638

Footnotes: 130 of 388

When I was at the University of Oregon, I was on the ultimate team. We invented a sport called gritz. It was basically 2v2 volleyball, but with a frisbee. The most important rule was that you couldn’t be touching the ground while the disc was in your hand.

There was no calculus involved.

Prior to that, as an undergraduate at Hanover College (yes, the same school that Mike Pence went to), my fraternity (Fiji, again, the same one Pence was part of) came up with another unique sport, which we called Big Phi Gam Ball. It’s a hard sport to explain, but it was basically half court rugby, but with soccer goals, and instead of a rugby ball, we played with the biggest kickball you have ever seen. There was an ever-changing litany of rules, but really it was all just an excuse to tackle the shit out of each other.

Again, there was no calculus involved.

All that is to say that Eschaton seems unnecessarily complicated.

Also, that mint-green Ford seems important.

Vocab Word: Thanatoptic Of, from, or pertaining to Antarctica and the south polar regions.

Quitting The Grave Cover ThumbCheck out Decater's new novel, available now at Amazon. Plus, don't forget his earlier books: Ahab's Adventures in Wonderland and Picasso Painted Dinosaurs.