Why LOTR Sucks: Now We’re Talking

Frodo gets stung by Shelob, and Sam saves the day. I’m still not sure why they had to argue and Sam had to head home, but whatever. Peter Jackson just crammed six close ups of Sam crying into about 30 seconds of film.

I don’t mean to quibble, because I really hope we get to a hundred in the next two hours(!!!!!) but I understand why we have so many close ups. He’s filming people from multiple perspectives, some of normal height, some at hobbit height, some somewhere in between. Every time you film them together, it costs a lot of money and time for the special effects. But when two hobbits are talking, or two people, you don’t need to rely on close ups the whole time.

I guess Peter Jackson is trying to be consistent.*

Minutes Watched: 3.2:16.30

Number of Montages: 17

Number of slow motion close-ups of people crying: 67

Start at the beginning

*Consistently bad

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