Why LOTR Sucks: Leave Well Enough Alone

What possessed Peter Jackson to think he could write a better story than J.R.R. Tolkien? I suppose he thought he was being cinematic, but there’s nothing about Frodo sending Sam away that makes it a better story than Tolkien’s. Just because people are yelling at each other doesn’t make it dramatic. Having Gollum try to turn Frodo and Sam against each other isn’t original. It’s funny to think that an adaptation of a novel could be derivative, but Peter Jackson manages it. He robs from Star Wars. He robs from Shakespeare. He robs from B movies.

I guess he needed an excuse here to fit in some slow motion tears.

Minutes Watched: 3.1:29.10

Number of Montages: 16

Number of slow motion close-ups of people crying: 54

Start at the beginning

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