Why LOTR Sucks: Where The Movie Should Have Begun

Post-montage, we listen to Bilbo narrate a bit from his memoir, There and Back Again, giving the audience something they do need to know about, hobbits. (Of course, if they had filmed The Hobbit first, like what I would have done, this would have been unnecessary.) I think we’d have been better served prolonging the darkness just a bit. Let’s start by letting the audience know about hobbits, what a quiet and simple life they lead, how they don’t like adventures, why Bilbo is seen as an eccentric for having gone on his adventure, and how Frodo may be following in his footsteps.

Of course, this is montage number two, in the first ten minutes, but who’s counting?

Minutes Watched: 10.22

Number of Montages: 2

Start at the beginning

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