Why I Hate Peter Jackson: So Far, So Good

An Unexpected Journey opens with a much better frame than the LOTR trilogy. Instead of a long-winded montage that reveals information that will be repeated a number of times in the narrative itself, we have some narration from Ian Holm as old Bilbo. This is a smart opening. It ties us to the trilogy, makes use of Tolkien’s conceit that Bilbo is the author of these stories, and very quickly explains why the Hobbit films are coming after the LOTR films, rather than vice versa.

As we fade out on Bilbo puttering around the house looking for his journal, and fade in on a map of the shire, I can only pray that this is where the frame ends, and we get right to the story.

Note: Unlike my rewatch of the LOTR, I am not using the extended version this time. I knew it wasn’t entirely fair to judge Peter Jackson on the director’s cut, when I’m sure much of that footage was included simply to make it more enticing to buyers. But in that case, the extended version was all I had.

Anyway, so far, so good. Nothing to complain about yet.

Minutes Watched: 02.09

Number of Montages: 0

Start at the beginning

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