The Six Most Kick Ass Scientists Of All Time

Bruce Banner doesn’t actually exist, or he’d be number one on the list
Some scientists are so good at sciencing that they can literally kick the ass of every atom and element they come into contact with. These are those scientists.

#6 Neil deGrasse Tyson Half-brother to ‘Iron’ Mike Tyson, he will literally eat the children of anyone who gets in his way of doing science.

#5 Sir Isaac Newton He took that apple to his head like a real champ. Gravity’s no joke. It probably hurt quite a lot.

#4 Benjamin Franklin He invented electricity with a key and a kite. Enough said.

#3 Pythagoras Pythagoras was Greek. The soldiers in 300 were also Greek. Do you remember how ripped they were? I wouldn’t mess with anyone who was from ancient Greece.

#2 Marie Curie She worked very closely with radiation, and based on my knowledge of comic books, there’s a 100% chance she was mutated into some kind of super being with radioactive powers.

#1 Dr. Friston Kuppernickel He may look mild-mannered, but you don’t want to mess with his giant lasers and army of killer robots.

That is all.

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