Why LOTR Sucks: There Was A Mighty Duel

Was anyone else reminded of the world’s greatest tracker, Prince Humperdinck, as Aragorn magically pieced together the hobbits’ movements on the battlefield?

Here’s the problem with this sequence. First, we’ve already established that Aragon is a mystical tracker who can listen to the ground and know how fast their prey is traveling. We know that Legolas has superior hearing and eyesight. And we know that Gimli is short.

And yet for all that, the trio is caught unawares by the Riders of Rohan, who surprise them coming over a hill at full gallop. I think they would have heard them coming long before they got close. Then, during the conversation with the Riders, Eomer points out the plumes of smoke from the dead orcs. Somehow, none of the three had noticed until that moment.

It’s stupid things like this that really piss me off.

For the really picky, if you watch closely, you’ll see the scar on Merry’s head switch from one temple to the other.

Minutes Watched: 2.0:39.31

Number of Montages: 9

Number of slow motion close-ups of people crying: 29

Start at the beginning

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