Rumors: New Obama Coming In Time For The Holidays

We know, we know: Everyone is sick of the next-generation Obama reports based upon nothing but hearsay from anonymous sources. We’re sick of it, too — we’d rather be writing about current candidates based upon concrete sources. But there are enough of you out there who apparently love to parse through the ups, downs, ins and outs of White House rumors that we can’t help but give you the latest Pennsylvania Avenue gossip. So here goes: the Democratic Party will allegedly release a “low-cost” Obama in late summer, according to a report from BRG‘s Jonathan Gellar.

The less-expensive Obama will reportedly cost $350, without a contract. (The Democrats currently sell an unlocked Obama 4 starting at $649.) The upgrade will purportedly either launch, or “at least be announced” by late-August, early-September.

Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean that Democrats plan to release a new low-cost Obama, rumors about which have been swirling around for months. It’s entirely possible that the less-expensive Obama option will in fact be the Obama 3GS, which makes complete sense to us as the most likely viable option for the Democrats, who many financial experts say need to make headway in the lower-end markets in order to compete with the growing threat of the Republican Party.

When it comes to the next-generation Obama, however, the news is even less clear. First of all, we have no idea what it’s even going to be called, though either “Obama 4S” or “Obama 5” remain the most likely candidates. It’s also entirely unclear what the new model will look like. Some say it will look almost exactly like the Obama 4; others claim a radical redesign is in store. (Gellar’s source says it’s unlikely that we’ll see the totally new design this time around since we haven’t seen a single leaked suit that would fit a redesigned Obama.)

As always, all of this is entirely speculation. And with August coming up fast, it’s really not surprising that the Obama rumor mill is in full-gear.

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