Waiting For Something To Happen

dan_brown_lost_symbolI’m 34 chapters in, and nothing much has happened. The Da Vinci Code started out much more exhilaratingly, with Langdon immediately being faced with the puzzle in the Louvre. As I recall, in Angels And Demons, we knew pretty early on that he needed to hurry, or the Vatican would be destroyed by a bomb.

But here we are almost 150 pages in, and there has been one, very simple puzzle, lots of random information about Washington D.C. iconography, a blatant attempt to make Director Ito seem a part of the conspiracy, and very little else. The tension all rests upon the fact that Robert Langdon has the secret package in his bag, and that Katherine doesn’t realize the doctor is an imposter, and planning to murder her.

Worst of all, the book is not as spectacularly bad as I was hoping for. It’s just dull. And I have four hundred pages to go. Curses!

Pages read: 144
Pages To Go: 365
Quitting The Grave Cover ThumbCheck out Decater's new novel, available now at Amazon. Plus, don't forget his earlier books: Ahab's Adventures in Wonderland and Picasso Painted Dinosaurs.