The Worst Name

Photo by @ingridtaylar

I went to college with a guy named Carl. He was from Chicago, and lived in some kind of medieval castle next to Mr. T’s house. I visited once. His mom had 8 cats when I was there, and they overwhelmed the house like the stench from a rotting corpse. Now I hear they have more than 30 cats.

Carl was one weird dude. One day at dinner, he took a look at his glass of milk, then announced, “Don’t you think it’s weird that we drink cow piss?” He wasn’t joking. His entire life, he had thought that milk was cow urine.

Another time, he informed everyone that he had never tasted ketchup or mustard. When asked why, he said, “Because if I try them, I will probably like them, and then that’s one more thing I have to worry about.” When you think about it, that’s actually pretty sound advice.

In any case, the point is, Carl is the worst name.

Please Note, this blog does not in any way wish to insult anyone, unless of course your name happens to be Carl.

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