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Pages Read: 153

Pages To Go: 825

Footnotes: 55 of 388

I like Infinite Jest best when we’re focused on the Incandenza family. I especially like Mario, but all three brothers seem like cool hangs, especially if you like tennis and recreational drug use.

I’ll extend this affinity to anything related to the Enfield Tennis Academy, to the point that anyone who’s thinking of getting me a present should definitely consider getting me an ETA t-shirt. Michael Pemulis and his burgeoning career as a drug trafficker is a good example of a story thread I’m already enjoying.

Side note: My favorite footnote so far is footnote 55, in which Hal believes suborned is a more appropriate word than entrapped. I personally think DFW is the word nazi, not Hal, but hey, every character is just a version of the author, right?

Also, DFW obviously knows way too much about drug culture. I wonder if he went to private school?

Vocab Word: Erumpent Bursting forth or through a surface.

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Quitting The Grave Cover ThumbCheck out Decater's new novel, available now at Amazon. Plus, don't forget his earlier books: Ahab's Adventures in Wonderland and Picasso Painted Dinosaurs.