Why LOTR Sucks: Liv Tyler!

I really want to know who’s idea it was to use Liv Tyler in the trilogy. Who thought this was a good idea? I’d love to have a…conversation with him.

After our…conversation, I’d point out that by giving Liv Tyler such a prominent role, it makes Eowyn look childish. She has no chance with Aragorn, unless he’s a total dick. What’s the point of this relationship? To turn Eowyn into gilted lover who doesn’t know her place and foolishly risks her life to prove something? There aren’t many female characters in the Lord of the Rings, but there is one and she’s awesome and heroic and should be a role model. I guess the filmmakers weren’t happy with that and thought it was better to have two poorly written female characters than one powerful one.

Minutes Watched: 2.1:51.27

Number of Montages: 9

Number of slow motion close-ups of people crying: 31

Start at the beginning

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