Why Ammonite Is One Of The Best Films Of 2020

Have you watched Ammonite yet? I’ve dubbed it Nat Geo Porn in my review on Letterboxd, and I think that’s an apt description. But I did really genuinely enjoy it, despite the rather melancholy tone. The leads were fantastic, and it did a great job of examining how difficult finding meaningful relationships can be, especially for people facing challenging conditions to begin with.

You can watch the above video for my full review, but I do want to point out that I think one of the most common criticisms of the movie I’ve seen strikes me as unfair. Complaining that their is no chemistry between the lead characters seems to miss the point.

These are not meant to be likeable characters. They’ve been hardened by their life experiences and suppressed because of their gender. This isn’t some Hollywood glamorization, but an attempt to depict real people in bleak circumstances.

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