The Yellow Was More Fluorescent Than Jonquil

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Pages Read: 255

Pages To Go: 723

Footnotes: 84 of 388

(Is there a more David Foster Wallace sentence than the above?)

This was an excellent episode, in which we get a lengthy phone convesation between Hal and Orin. We learn some critical details regarding the various relationships, including between Orin and Joelle. We learn that Himself killed himself in a microwave suicide (at least we’re meant to believe that now).

We also gain new information regarding two items that previously had been very confusing:

First, we learn about why Hal was going to see a therapist. It was because he was the one to find his father’s headless body after coming home from school.

Second, we get more clues regarding the wheelchair assassins and how they are connected to the Incadenza family. Or perhaps it is more accurate to say just that they might be connected to the family, though the why and wherefore are still unclear.

I got a very genreish vibe from this episode. What I was reminded of more than anything was Paul Auster. I believe this is meant to be a deconstructed adaptation of a sci-fi/spy thriller. At one point, I got the impression that Orin was taking part in this conversation under duress, that he was being forced to ask these questions to get information from Hal. Maybe it wasn’t even Orin at all, but someone disguising their voice. I’m not saying I think this will turn out to be the case, just that was the vibe being given off.

More likely, Orin was under orders from someone worried about Hal to get him talking about his repressed grief.

But in that vein, I am ready to make a prediction:

James Incadenza did not kill himself. It was just meant to look like a suicide. Perhaps the wheelchair assassins are the culprits.

Can’t wait to read more. Probably a lot more random interludes before we learn more.

Vocab Word: Propitiate win or regain the favor of (a god, spirit, or person) by doing something that pleases them.

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Quitting The Grave Cover ThumbCheck out Decater's new novel, available now at Amazon. Plus, don't forget his earlier books: Ahab's Adventures in Wonderland and Picasso Painted Dinosaurs.