Who In The World Is Joelle Van Dyne?

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Pages Read: 223

Pages To Go: 755

Footnotes: 79 of 388

I feel like I should have a better idea of who she is at this point. Is it because I haven’t been reading regularly as I get sucked into the vortex of election news and our country’s daily steps towards totalitarianism that I’m not able to recall important biographical details regarding Ms. van Dyne? Or is she a brand new character, and all we know so far is from the last few pages?

I’m tempted to do another quick Google search, but I’m refraining.

It’s like I’m back in university and I have an essay exam I’m ill-prepared for, so I’m stuck writing three pages on Moll Flanders when all I can remember are a few underlined points on the chalkboard from several weeks ago. I’ll just write something about how the author was trying to point out the societal restraints that women faced during this time period.

Anyway, all I know about van Dyne is she’s getting ready to commit suicide and she’s somehow connected to James Incandenza.

On the plus side, we just learned a lot more about why every year is being sponsored by a brand. It was just as I surmised! I definitely earned a sticker on that one.

Vocab Word: Carbuncular of, relating to, or resembling a carbuncle, especially having a carbuncle or a red and inflamed area..

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