2020, Am I Right?

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Pages Read: 196

Pages To Go: 782

Footnotes: 68 of 388

If it seems like it took me a couple of months to read two pages, it’s because it did. Give me a break. The world is falling apart.

After so much elapsed time, this next section was somewhat anticlimactic, thought it was amusing to see what DFW thinks about people who really take their weight training seriously.

But hey, at least Freer and Kornspan really care about something.

Vocab Word: Mesomorphic pertaining to or having a muscular or sturdy body build characterized by the relative prominence of structures developed from the embryonic mesoderm.

You are reading my live blog of Infinite Jest. Start at the beginning.

Quitting The Grave Cover ThumbCheck out Decater's new novel, available now at Amazon. Plus, don't forget his earlier books: Ahab's Adventures in Wonderland and Picasso Painted Dinosaurs.