Today’s Pharmacology Report

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Pages Read: 168

Pages To Go: 810

Footnotes: 57 of 388

I wonder if Infinite Jest is required reading for anyone who wants to become a pharmacist. I feel like in a pinch I could whip up my own tonics, cordials, and embrocations, and I’m only 150 pages in.

Rather than following a linear track, the novel keeps radiating outward, like ripples in a pond (or an amoeba), as it introduces and then follows more and more of the ancillary characters.

In today’s episode, it’s Michael Pemulis, amateur (or technically I should say professional) drug dealer. I have nothing more to say about Pemulis right now, except that he really knows how to rock that yachting cap.

Vocab Word: Ephebic Pertaining to a young man or to early manhood, especially in Ancient Greek contexts.

You are reading my live blog of Infinite Jest. Start at the beginning.

Quitting The Grave Cover ThumbCheck out Decater's new novel, available now at Amazon. Plus, don't forget his earlier books: Ahab's Adventures in Wonderland and Picasso Painted Dinosaurs.