Pick A Lane

Pages Read: 36

Pages To Go: 942

I was really hoping we’d be getting some new narrators soon, and the more random and unconnected with any of the stories so far, the better.

Seriously, though, is it just me, or does the episode with Reginald and Wardine seem extremely hackneyed? I’m not feeling it.

The story of Bruce Green and Mildred Bonk struck me as much more genuine and with a unique point of view. My theory is because it’s much closer to DFW’s actual life experience. Not that you can’t write about things outside your personal understanding. It’s just that my initial impression is that he has worked harder to make the second episode in The Year of the Trial-Size Dove Bar more distinct.

I’m still willing to give Infinite Jest plenty of rope, based on the great esteem with which it is regarded and his mastery of prose and style, BUT, if these episodes don’t all tie together by the end in some meaningful way, I’m going to feel like this was a wasted exercise. Consider yourself on notice, DFW.

Vocab Word: Anfractuous Sinuous or circuitous.

You are reading my live blog of Infinite Jest. Start at the beginning.

Quitting The Grave Cover ThumbCheck out Decater's new novel, available now at Amazon. Plus, don't forget his earlier books: Ahab's Adventures in Wonderland and Picasso Painted Dinosaurs.