Footnotes Within Footnotes

Pages Read: 60

Pages To Go: 918

Footnotes: 22 of 388

Here’s my take on Infinite Jest so far: It’s like Inception, but with footnotes.

Half of this episode is the description of a nightmare. (And then waking up and still being in the nightmare; it is Inception!!!!) The person having this nightmare is never named, is just I. Interesting, as I can remember only one other instance of first person perspective being used, and that was in the Year of the Trial Sized Dove Bar. Am I forgetting another instance?

I am fairly certain that the narrators in these two first person episodes are not the same, but I’ll be paying close attention moving forward. Obviously point of view is particularly important (Captain Obvious alert).

Speaking of nightmares, footnote 21 refers to another footnote, number 211, which is about Hal and two of his classmates at ETA. Do you think DFW purposely made sure there were enough footnotes in between that the future footnote would have the same two numerals to start? I wouldn’t put it past him.

Also I like the poster of the paranoid king. Funny.

I wonder how many people who stan for Infinite Jest are like people who have been hazed and then turn around and haze others. Do they really like it, or just say they like it to seem cool and in hopes of subjecting the same torture on others?

Vocab Word: Pertussives A kind of antitussive, which is a medicine that suppresses coughing. I don’t like when I go to look up a word in my digital dictionary and it’s not there.

You are reading my live blog of Infinite Jest. Start at the beginning.

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