Things You Need To Know To Be A Hero

Today’s celebrity interview is with modern renaissance man James Franco. Franco’s prodigious list of accomplishments include his debut role on Freaks and Geeks, a recurring role on daytime soap General Hospital*, and sawing off his own arm in the name of his art.

Franco was gracious enough to share with us what it takes to be a hero. He should know. He is one!**

According to Franco, every hero needs to know:

  • A martial art
  • How to start a fire
  • How to perform minor surgery
  • How to drive a car faster than 120 miles per hour in heavy traffic
  • How to write poetry
  • A foreign language***
  • How to tie a bow tie
  • Fencing
  • Right from wrong

What you can’t know if you are a hero:

  • Fear

Franco encourages everyone to be a hero in his or her everyday life. The youngest baby to the oldest invalid has the ability to become a hero.

If James Franco can do it then so can you.

*Cool factor relatively low compared to if he had appeared on Days Of Our Lives. Marlena was possessed by the devil!!!

**Watch Your Highness for proof.

***Not French

Quitting The Grave Cover ThumbCheck out Decater's new novel, available now at Amazon. Plus, don't forget his earlier books: Ahab's Adventures in Wonderland and Picasso Painted Dinosaurs.