M. Night Shyamalan And Dan Brown Share The Same Problem

dan_brown_lost_symbolLangdon realizes on page 104 that having been asked to bring the package was an important clue. Of course, in reality, he would have made the connection about 30 pages earlier, but we would not want to reveal too much too soon. A very clunky way of creating suspense.

I am reminded of Shymalan. He did such a brilliant job with The Sixth Sense. And with each subsequent effort, the story seemed a little more forced, the surprise ending more and more contrived. I feel the same way now. At least, with The Da Vinci Code, the historical information, and the symbols found in the various religious and artistic relics, it all made for a compelling framework. I learned a lot of interesting trivia. But how many times can you try and work the same angle?

Apparently, at least 3 times.

Pages read: 104
Pages To Go: 405
Quitting The Grave Cover ThumbCheck out Decater's new novel, available now at Amazon. Plus, don't forget his earlier books: Ahab's Adventures in Wonderland and Picasso Painted Dinosaurs.