I Feel Like Christopher Colombus. Damn You Leif Erikson!

dan_brown_lost_symbol Thanks to my blogprietor, Mr. Clark Randt, I have been informed that I am not the first person to live blog The Lost Symbol. I am devastated, naturally. But, in many ways, I am also relieved.

Maureen Johnson’s version of The Lost Symbol Reader’s Guide is not only more entertaining than the book itself, but more entertaining than the Great Dan Brown Experiment. I urge all of you to continue reading hers.

I reached the end of my experiment earlier than I expected, but I still walk away having gained quite a lot. I have a better appreciation of our nation’s capitol. If I am ever faced with needing to decipher a secret masonic message, I will be able to do so in a jiffy. I have the confidence to wear make up in public even though I am a man. After The Lost Symbol, people will not dare make fun of me for fear that I am a tattooed zealot, and, should they cross me, I may drown them next to a giant squid in a vat of ethanol.

And I have learned that there is no need to actually write a blog. I can just think up ideas, do a google search, and link to someone who wrote about the same thing.

Come back next week, when I live blog my way through my nephew’s Bar Mitzva*.

Thank you to Jeff Orcutt, who loaned me his copy of The Lost Symbol. Sorry about the drool.

*I do not actually have a Jewish nephew. If anyone knows of a Bar Mitzva I can crash next week, please let me know.

Pages read: 202
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Quitting The Grave Cover ThumbCheck out Decater's new novel, available now at Amazon. Plus, don't forget his earlier books: Ahab's Adventures in Wonderland and Picasso Painted Dinosaurs.