Puzzles Within Puzzles

dan_brown_lost_symbolChapter 50, and we finally get to our first real puzzle. An interesting cypher. I wonder if the Masons really used it.

I am reminded of that movie Windtalkers, by John Woo. It was about the Navajo Codebreakers from World War II. It should have been a better movie than it was.

Have you seen the movie Red Cliff? The latest John Woo movie? It is the closest I have ever come to walking out of a movie. Do not see it. It’s horrible.

I’m losing interest in The Lost Symbol. A truly depressing turn of events. I thought my vitriol would be whipped into a fury by now at the cliched writing and clunky plotting.

You remember how everyone was anticipating Snakes On A Plane, like it would be the greatest B movie ever, and it turned out to be a real disappointment?

Pages read: 201
Pages To Go: 308
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