Religion Versus Science

More or less interesting than Hawking versus Christ?
It seems that, especially recently, many people have pitted science versus religion in a battle to the death. In the one corner you have Stephen Hawking, with his strict adherence to the scientific method and inability to move anything but his eyeballs. In the other corner you have Jesus Christ, warrior for the disenfranchised, who’d rather let himself be crucified than harm his fellow human.

As entertaining as the above celebrity death match might seem, people have it all wrong. Science and Religion aren’t enemies. Science has very little to say on religion. Science only allows for what it can prove. Everything else is outside of its ken. Science leaves religion to the theologians.

No, the real enemy of religion is reason. Reason looks at the fallacies, hypocrisies, contradictions, and myth-building of religion and says, “Hey, what are you priests smoking? Because I’d like some.” Reason looks around and notices that humanity all over the world in all time periods has cultivated religion. Why should one be right and all the others wrong? Reason says that there are very reasonable explanations for why humans would make up religion, but very little in the way of evidence of why religion might be real. Reason hates religion.

So you tell me? Which one is the real enemy of religion, science or reason?

Still, I’d PPV to watch Stephen Hawking Vs. Jesus Christ.

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