Round One

Apr 4th, 2023 by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

It was the end of the first round between Rockcrusher Rocco, the favorite, and Lefty Louie. Rocco wasn’t called ‘Rockcrusher’ for nothing. And not just for publicity’s sake. He could really hit.

Louie’s manager, Al, and cutman, Mel, were in the corner with Louie…

“Do you think you can go another round, Louie?”


“A round? Another round?”

“Is that you, Sally?”

“No. It’s me, Al.”


“Remember what I told you? When he jabs twice with the left, he throws his right cross.”

“Sally, I can’t believe you’re here.”

“It’s me and Mel, Louie.”

“I still can’t believe it…”

From Guest Contributor David Sydney

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