For A Laugh

Feb 23rd, 2023 by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Tina sat in the back of a taxi on her phone. She looked up, and her breath caught.

No longer was she staring at the glass partition; instead a bear stared down at her, its black eyes boring into her.

She screamed and threw her phone. It bounced off its head.

It roared, its canines glistening. “Stop!” The bear growled. It shook her, its claws digging into her.

Tina freed her pepper spray and emptied it in the bear’s eyes.

“The hell?” The cabbie screamed, falling to the ground, grabbing his face.

A twisted laugh carried faintly on the wind.

From Guest Contributor Madison Randolph

Madison is a reader by day and a writer by night. Her works have appeared in Friday Flash Fiction, The Drabble, Bright Flash Literary Review, Spillwords, The Chamber Magazine, A Story in 100 Words, Free Flash Fiction, Microfiction Monday as well as 101 Words under the name Ryker Hayes. She resides in Oklahoma with her family and dog Belle where she spends her time sharpening her writing skills and drinking large amounts of coffee. Her works can be found here. She can be found on Instagram @madisonrandolph17

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