Like Mommy and Daddy

Apr 8th, 2020 by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

“Mommy, you and daddy look funny.” said five-year-old Julia.

“We’re OK. We are flying high!” Julia’s mommy replied as she chewed a weed-laced cookie.

“These cookies! Flyin’ like a bird,” Julia’s daddy sang.

He took another cookie off the plate on the kitchen table.

“Let’s go upstairs, sweetheart. A little lovin’ ……Julia, watch TV.”

Julia watched as her parents climbed the stairs. She grabbed a cookie, then ran upstairs to her bedroom and ate it.

When her beautiful wings fluttered, she floated to the open window.

She pushed out the screen and thought, “I wanna fly like mommy and daddy.”

From Guest Contributor Deborah Shrimplin

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