The Mortar

Jul 11th, 2017 by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

“Captain Stevens you normally don’t get so upset by attacks, what’s under your skin?” Sergeant Cordova asked in a mock-respectful tone.

“I was watching 1408,” I responded.

“The horror movie with Matthew Broderick?”

“It was John Cusack, but yes.”

“It’s based on the Stephen King story?”


“Alone, at night, in Iraq?”


“A few life tips, Sir… don’t give your ex-wife the keys to your Camaro, don’t dismount after getting hit by an unknown attacker, and the most important…”

“What’s the most important thing?”

“Don’t watch a horror movie alone, at night, in Iraq, with all due respect…Sir.”

From Guest Contributor Terry Brunt

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