Storm Damage

Feb 17th, 2015 by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

I’m a lucky lady. I have a wonderful lover in my life. A younger man. An enthusiastic younger man.

Lovemaking sessions are spontaneous, passionate and spicy. Lately we have been able to see a lot of each other. It is great.

I was annoyed he didn’t drive here immediately to help me with the post-storm clean up. The house is fine; the yard a carpet of leaves and branches.

Calmly, I put things into proper perspective.

-I have no right to put demands on him.
-He can’t be on call.
-My husband will fly home tomorrow from his overseas posting.

From Guest Contributor Barry O’Farrell

Barry O’Farrell is an actor living in Brisbane, Australia. Barry’s other stories can be found at Cyclamens & Swords, 50-Word Stories, and of course here at A Story in 100 Words.

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