You Will Make Someone’s Day

Apr 11th, 2012 by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

It had seemed such a pleasant, trivial fortune: “You will make someone’s day.” Who wouldn’t want to make someone’s day? Janet cheerfully left the restaurant, ready to get back to work.

The smile left her face when she was called into Mr. Babcock’s office. He was an absolute terror to work for, and in any other economy, Janet would have quit months ago. She fully expected another tongue lashing this afternoon.

Instead, Janet went running from the office, trying desperately to cover her tears. Mr. Babcock’s final words were ringing in her ears.

“Firing you has really made my day.”

The Daily Theme from Figment for April 6

Write a fortune cookie fortune. Now write a story about a person who receives this fortune and then sees the prediction actually fulfilled.

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