A Neo-Classical Analysis Of The Effect Of Reactionary Governments During Post-Napoleonic Pre-Imperial Fiji

Apr 26th, 2010 by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

When Queen Vicotria was young, God demanded she wage a land war in Asia. The Bolsheviks used the opportunity to sell France’s entire population to Thomas Jefferson

However, the House of Lords rebelled and, after holding court at a cricket match, they decided to excommunicate Francis Bacon.

This caused some confusion as Bacon, thinking he was already excommunicated, had established the Church of England, married six wives, and moved to Utah.

The bull of excommunication, meanwhile, had gone astray and reached Francis of Assisi, who, released from Catholicism, approved the first mass publication of his heliocentric galaxy theory

The end.

From Guest Contributor, Boris Gump

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